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Fair Use Policy

This Fair Use Policy outlines guidelines for the use of our resources and services to ensure fairness, reliability, and optimal performance for all users.


The purpose of this policy is to promote fair and responsible use of our resources, including but not limited to, network bandwidth, storage, and computing resources.


Reasonable Use: Users are expected to utilize our resources in a manner that is reasonable and does not degrade the experience of other users.

Prohibited Activities: Any use of our resources for illegal activities, unauthorized access, transmitting malware, or any other activities that violate our terms of service is strictly prohibited.

Bandwidth Management: We reserve the right to manage network traffic to ensure equitable access for all users. Excessive use of bandwidth that significantly impacts others may be subject to management.

Respect for Privacy: Users must respect the privacy and security of others' data and refrain from any unauthorized access or attempts to exploit weaknesses in our systems.

Commercial Use: Our resources are intended for personal or legitimate business use. Any commercial use that exceeds reasonable limits may be subject to review and potential limitations.


Violation of this Fair Use Policy may result in corrective actions, including warning notices, temporary suspension, or termination of services. We reserve the right to determine, at our discretion, what constitutes a violation of this policy.


This Fair Use Policy is subject to periodic review and may be updated or modified at any time. Users will be notified of any material changes to the policy.

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Our customer care team is available 24/7 for prompt assistance. Reach out anytime for reliable support. We're always here for you, providing exceptional service whenever you need it.